









【The English Sermon】"Let us live a life of laying up treasures in heaven" 2021.11.21 Mark 10:17~31

 "Let us live a life of laying up treasures in heaven"

2021.11.21 Mark 10:17~31

    There is a parallel article in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke about the following verse in Mark 10:17. It is probably an actual event. Some preachers say that this article contains God's commandments to all human beings. In other words, this article contains the key to faith in Christ.

    A rich man (probably a young man) asks the Lord Jesus, "Good teacher, what is the meaning of eternal life? What must I do, good teacher, to inherit eternal life?" (v.17) The Lord Jesus says there is no one good but God. He said, "You know the law, 'Do not kill, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, do not rob, honor your parents. And he says, "Sir, all those things I have kept since I was a child" (verses 19, 20). But the Lord Jesus strikes at the root of this man's obsession.

    He says, "There is one thing you lack. Go and sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have wealth in heaven. Then follow me." (v.21) But this man was not ready to give up his possessions. He was probably giving to the poor. But he could not give away most of his wealth. No, I think he did not have the heart to give it willingly. He walked away because he could not follow the Lord Jesus. It is a very sobering experience.

    Furthermore, the Lord Jesus said to His disciples, "Children, how difficult it is for you to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” The disciples were more and more amazed, saying to one another, 'Who then can be saved?” (verses 24-26). The disciples did not understand the problem. This was no stranger to them.

    But I would like to note the following words of the Lord Jesus. But let us take note of the following words of the Lord Jesus: "It is not for man to do, but for God. For with God you can do anything." (v.27) I'm continuing with Peterson's translation, and I'm struck by his meditation on April 25. The subject is "What We Do Best. Giving," Peterson asserts, "is what we do best. Giving is the way of the world," he says, and encourages us to be generous to others instead of living a life obsessed only with ourselves. He tells us not to cling to the dead leaves of our "bank account" but to finally let go of them. The Lord Jesus laid down His life for all people. He showed us God's love with his own body. I want to live a life of laying up treasures in heaven. Let us pray.

【説教】「天に宝を積む人生を生きて行こう」2021年11月21日 マルコ福音書10章17節~31節


  2021年11月21日 マルコ福音書10章17節~31節






       だが、主イエスが語った次に御言葉に留意したい。「人間にはできることではないが、神にはできる。神には何でもできるからだ。」(27節)今、ピーターソンの翻訳を継続しているが、その4月25日の黙想には心打たれる。「わたしたちが最も得意とすること」という主題である。ピーターソンは「与えること」こそ、わたしたちの最も得意とすることである」と断言する。「『与えることは』とは世界の在り様である」と述べ、自分だけに固執する人生に生きることなく他者に寛大に生きて行けと勧める。「預金口座」という枯葉にしがみつくな、最後は手放す時がくると説く。主イエスは全ての人のために命を捨てて下さったのだ。神の愛を身をもって示して下さったのだ。天に宝を積む人生を生きて行きたい。 祈りましょう。