【English Sermon】 The Ultimate in Prayer Matthew 6:11-15 May 16, 2021
The Ultimate in Prayer
Matthew 6:11-15 May 16, 2021 Tajiri Church
The following verse from the Gospel of Matthew 6:11 is a prayer about human beings. The first prayer is, "Give us this day our daily bread, which we need" (v.11). The word translated as "necessary" is "epiousios," a word that is difficult to interpret because it is only used here and in the Lord's Prayer in Luke 11:3. In a note, Ken Sato writes, "The most likely interpretation is 'tomorrow' or 'the coming day' (meaning today), assuming the morning prayer" (Goro Maeda, Franciscan translation), but this is semantically problematic. The colloquial translation is, "Give us this day our daily food. The Lord Jesus recommends that the first thing we pray for in regard to human beings is to ask Him to give us food for each day.
This is a very important thing. The best commentary on this prayer is the following verse from the Gospel of Matthew 6:25. Do not be anxious about what you will wear or what you will eat. Look at the birds of the air and the flowers of the field... "Seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Ask for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you in addition. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow. Tomorrow is here, and tomorrow itself will be troubled. The hardships of the day will suffice for the day itself. (vs. 33, 34) It is as the Lord Jesus said. What a lot of things we worry about! How many things bother us, how we can't work with that person, how we hate just being with that person, and so many other issues. But God is the one who prepares the way for the best. Therefore, we should be grateful for being alive in the here and now. You can live your life believing that the hardships of the day are enough for that day.
The second is, "Forgive us our trespasses, for we know not what we owe. Forgive us our trespasses, as we have forgiven those who trespass against us. Forgive us our trespasses, as we have forgiven those who trespass against us; and save us from temptation, and deliver us from evil. If you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you your trespasses. (vs.12-14) How did the 12 disciples hear these words? When the cross of the Lord Jesus was at hand, Peter and the other disciples abandoned Him and fled. The words "forsake" and "forgive" are the same word. The Lord Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day and went to the disciples. Isn't this an amazing thing? It is not the disciples who followed the Lord Jesus' advice to the end. How about us? Do we trust someone who has betrayed us once, twice, three times? I'm not so sure. But the Lord Jesus used such unworthy disciples again for the work of preaching the kingdom of God. Everyone, please think about Paul and see what happens. Paul could not forgive the first Christians who believed that they were equal to God. He was persecuting them for idolatry. God chose Paul to evangelize the Gentiles. It is unbelievable.
So were the disciples. They were Jews. Betrayal has a different weight than we think. But the Lord Jesus used those abandoned disciples to do the work of preaching the kingdom of God. I want to pay attention to the words that the Lord Jesus spoke when He was crucified. He said to the people who abused and ridiculed Him on the cross, He offered redemptive forgiveness, saying, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). The same is true for the disciples. I believe the disciples were shattered by the depth of the Lord.
【説教】祈りの極み マタイによる福音書6章11~15節 2021年5月16日
マタイによる福音書6章11~15節 2021年5月16日
【Englishi Sermon】Let not your heart be troubled on May 2 Gospel of John 14:1-11
Let not your heart be troubled
by the Rev. Sakae Tomokawa on May 2 at Tajiri Church
Gospel of John 14:1-11
The Gospel of John was officially considered heretical (idolatry) by Judaism around the ’80s A.D., and it is presumed that it was written at a time of intense persecution from within and outside of Christ. The Gospel of John is said to be the book that supported and encouraged Christians in the midst of severe persecution. However, it is in the midst of trials that the words of the Bible shine forth. It shows us the way we should walk and the truth of life.
It is said that Chapter 14 is the farewell sermon of the Lord Jesus that continues until Chapter 17. In other words, it is the last will and testament of the Lord Jesus. First, I would like to note the words of the Lord Jesus at the beginning. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God. (One English translation says, "Keep believing.") And believe in me. In my house you will find plenty of room to live. ...And when I have prepared a place for you, I will come back and receive you unto myself. And where I am, there you will be also. You know where I am going, and you know the way. (vs. 1-4) I believe that the words of the Lord Jesus gave great courage and comfort to the persecuted Christians, because the light of the resurrection pierced through death.
But Thomas is honest with the Lord Jesus about his doubts. The other disciple, Philip, was equally honest in asking him if he had any questions. Their questioning of the Lord Jesus actually becomes an opportunity for them to know the will of God more deeply.
Faith is not an easy road. There are so many things that are difficult to understand. Life is not easy. But don't give up after a few times. Faith is a span of weeks, years, even decades. You have to be ready to relentlessly question, pray, and wrestle with the Lord Jesus.
Thomas asks, "Lord, we do not know where you are going" (vs. 5). The Lord Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. The Phillips translation is "I myself am the road.... The Phillips translation is closer to the original: "I myself am the road ... .the truth and the life. The Phillips translation is "I am the road...the truth and the life.
Philip also said, "Lord, show us the Father. Philip asks, "Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied" (vs. 8). This implies the arrogance of using God. But the Lord Jesus says, "Philip, he who has seen us (the original is in the perfect tense: He who has seen Me has seen the Father) has seen the Father. ...Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? (vs. 9, 10).
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, modern civilization has been striving for "comfort," "instant society," and "multitudes," but isn't this now being questioned? I want to follow the Lord Jesus, who tells us to fear the One who is truly feared, to avoid the crowd, keep distance with others and wear a face mask," and to "not make a noise in our hearts.
【説教】「心を騒がせるな」 ヨハネ福音書14章1~11節 2021年5月2日
ヨハネ福音書14章1~11節 2021年5月2日
Phillips訳は「I myself am the road...the truth and the life」と原文に近く訳す。「道、真理、命」そのものである主イエスを信じて生きて行きたい。フィリポも「主よ、私たちに御父をお示しください。そうすれば満足します」(8節)と問う。神を利用とする傲慢が暗示されている。だが、主イエスは「フィリポ、・・・私たちを見た者は(原文は完了形:He who has seen Me has seen the Father)は父と見たのだ。・・・私が父の内におり、父がわたしの内におられることを信じないのか。」(9、10節)と答える。
【The English Sermon】Lord. I do believe! on April 25th at Tajiri church
Lord. I do believe!
by the Rev. Sakae Tomokawa on April 25th at Tajiri church
Even though we believe in God, we also encounter sorrow and tribulation. Of course, you will also experience joy and gratitude. Through such valleys and mountains in our lives, our faith in God will be solidified. God sometimes trains His beloved ones through trials like storms. He leads them to true faith. It is surprising how often we are far from God when we have smooth sailing. This is because we put our own desires ahead of God's will. I want to live a life of faith where I am willing to accept God's will, even if I am faced with sorrow and suffering. For the joy of living in God's will is irreplaceable.
The Gospel of John 11:17 says, "Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Lazarus' sisters Mary and Martha must have been overwhelmed with grief. Martha says to Jesus, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died" (John 11:21). Is this anger at Jesus for being late? I don't think so. I would like to take this as a word that expresses the depth of Martha's grief. No, I think Martha wanted the Lord Jesus to be with her.
As if to squeeze her voice out of her grief, Martha continues, "I want the Lord Jesus to be with me. But I know that whatever you ask, God will give it to you" (11:22) Martha never lets go of her trust in the Lord Jesus. Isn't this where Martha's greatness lies? Even in the face of death, which would bring everything to nothing, she trusts in God's power to overcome it. It can be said that she trusts in the God who controls life and death. And Martha's faith becomes an opportunity to draw out the amazing words of the Lord Jesus. Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he dies, yet he shall live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall not perish, but have everlasting life. He will never die. Do you believe this? (11:25, verse 26) The mystery of the Christian faith is implied here. (11:25, verse 26) Herein is implied the mystery of the Christian faith: "No, I ask you, do you believe this, each one of you? Martha continues. Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, who is to come into the world. The Amplified Bible says, "Yes, Lord, I have believed--I do believe: Yes, Lord, I have believed.” Let us keep following Jesus day by day!
【説教】「主よ。信じます!」 ヨハネによる福音書11章17~27節 2021年4月25日
ヨハネによる福音書11章17~27節 2021年4月25日
そして、マルタの信仰がイエス・キリストの驚くべきみ言葉を聞く契機となる。「イエスは彼女に言われた『わたしはよみがえりであり、命である。わたしを信じる者は、たとい死んでも生きる。また生きていて、わたしを信じる者(ある英訳は「わたしを信じ続ける者は」と訳す)は、いつまでも死なない。あなたはこれを信じるか』(11:25、26)ここにキリスト教信仰の秘儀が暗示されている。いや、私たち一人ひとりがこれを信じているかと問う。更にマルタはこう続ける。「主よ、信じます。あなたがこの世にきたるべきキリスト、神の御子であると信じております」(11:27) 小林稔氏は「はい、主よ、あなたが(この)世に来るはずの神の子キリストであることを、私は信じきっています」と的確に訳す。The Amplified Bibleは「Yes, Lord, I have believed—I do believe:はい、主よ。信じています」と原文に近く訳す。私たちも「主よ。信じます!」と主イエスに全てを委ねて歩んで行きたい。
【English Sermon】Just trust in God. April 18, 2021 Sermon Matthew 12:38-42
Just trust in God.
April 18, 2021 Sermon
Matthew 12:38-42
Humans are vulnerable to "signs". It is easy to cling to supernatural "signs". The more serious the illness or hardship, the more likely we are to become absorbed in "signs" (including miracles and healings). The Lord Jesus says "No" to such thinking. Some of the scribes and Pharisees said to the Lord Jesus, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from you" (Matthew 12:38). The Lord Jesus replies that He can give no other sign than the sign of the prophet Jonah. The fact that the same question and answer is written in Matthew 16:1 and following (Pharisees and Sadducees asking for a sign from heaven) shows that humans are prone to ask for "signs. This temptation always strikes us. I can't tell you how many times I have prayed for my wife to be healed of her illness. However, God did not hear my prayers. Even now, my wife's illness is not healed. However, I have learned many things from my wife's illness and my own diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension since mid-February last year. There are many things that I didn't notice when I was healthy that I have learned only after I became ill. Now that I am preaching in front of everyone, I am grateful for being able to speak out. Also, I have come to understand that going up and down stairs (just three or four steps) takes a lot of muscle strength in the back, stomach, and lower back, which I never noticed when I was younger. I began to realize that ordinary things are not ordinary. In this sense, illness may be a blessing from God that makes us humble.
I would like to note that the Lord Jesus replied that He could give no other sign than the sign of the prophet Jonah. Just as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so shall the Son of Man be in the earth for three days and three nights. The people of Nineveh will stand in judgment with the people of this age, and they will condemn them. The people of Nineveh will stand in judgment with the people of this age and condemn them, because they have repented through the preaching of Jonah. But behold, there is one here who is better than Jonah. (Matthew 12:40, 41) Dr.Migaku Sato translates “so shall the Son of the Man be in the earth.” as “ so shall the Son of Man be into the miiddle of the earth.” New King James version translates “ in the heart of the earth.” The death of the Lord Jesus on the cross is implied here. We Christians believe that the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross and His resurrection reveal "God's love" and "God's forgiveness" to us. We have recited the Apostles' Creed before this sermon today as well. We also recited the Apostles' Creed before this sermon today, which states, "The Lord Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. I would like to pay particular attention to "buried in death". We will all die one day. We will be buried. But this creed clearly tells us that we are not alone when we are buried. It contains the promise that the Lord Jesus will be there with us.
It goes on to say, "For the people of Nineveh have repented through the preaching of Jonah. But behold, here is one who is better than Jonah. The Christian is always a repentant person. Repentance" is not the same as "regret". The first of M. Luther's 95 propositions, which started the Protestant Reformation, says, "Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who was born of the Virgin Mary, died for us. When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, "Repent..." (Matthew 4:17), He wanted the whole life of those who believe to be one of repentance. Just believe in God.
【説教】 「唯々、神を信じて」マタイによる福音書12章38~42節 2021年 4月18日(日)
マタイによる福音書12章38~42節 2021年 4月 18日(日)
さて、主イエスが預言者ヨナのしるし以外に与えられないと答えたことに留意したいと思う。「すなわち、ヨナが三日三晩、大魚の腹の中にいたように、人の子も三日三晩、土の中にいるであろう。二ネべ(アッシリヤ帝国の首都)の人々が、今の時代の人々と共にさばきの場に立って、かれらを罪に定めるであろう。なぜなら、二ネべの人々はヨナの宣教によって悔い改めたからである。しかし、見よ、ヨナにまさる者がここにいる。」(マタイ12章40、41節)。「人の子も三日三晩、土の中にいるであろう」を佐藤研氏は「人の子も大地に只中に三日三晩、いるであろう」と訳す。更にNew King James Versionは「 so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth」と訳す。ここに主イエスの十字架の死が暗示されている。キリスト者は主イエスの十字架の死と復活に「神の愛」と「神の赦し」が啓示されていることを信じている。私たちは今日も説教に前に使徒信条を唱和しました。主イエスの項目に「主は聖霊によりてやどり、処女マリヤより生まれ、ポンテオ。ピラトのもとに苦しみを受け、十字架につけられ、死にて葬られ、黄泉にくだり、三日目に死人のうちからよみがえり、天にのぼり、全能の父なる神に右に座してまえり」云々と続く。特に「死にて葬られ」に注目したい。私たちのいつかは死を迎える。そして「葬られる」のである。しかし、この使徒信条が明確に告げることは、私たちが葬られる時にも「一人ではない」という事である。主イエスがそこにも共にいてくださる。何という慰めであろうか。