Let not your heart be troubled
by the Rev. Sakae Tomokawa on May 2 at Tajiri Church
Gospel of John 14:1-11
The Gospel of John was officially considered heretical (idolatry) by Judaism around the ’80s A.D., and it is presumed that it was written at a time of intense persecution from within and outside of Christ. The Gospel of John is said to be the book that supported and encouraged Christians in the midst of severe persecution. However, it is in the midst of trials that the words of the Bible shine forth. It shows us the way we should walk and the truth of life.
It is said that Chapter 14 is the farewell sermon of the Lord Jesus that continues until Chapter 17. In other words, it is the last will and testament of the Lord Jesus. First, I would like to note the words of the Lord Jesus at the beginning. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God. (One English translation says, "Keep believing.") And believe in me. In my house you will find plenty of room to live. ...And when I have prepared a place for you, I will come back and receive you unto myself. And where I am, there you will be also. You know where I am going, and you know the way. (vs. 1-4) I believe that the words of the Lord Jesus gave great courage and comfort to the persecuted Christians, because the light of the resurrection pierced through death.
But Thomas is honest with the Lord Jesus about his doubts. The other disciple, Philip, was equally honest in asking him if he had any questions. Their questioning of the Lord Jesus actually becomes an opportunity for them to know the will of God more deeply.
Faith is not an easy road. There are so many things that are difficult to understand. Life is not easy. But don't give up after a few times. Faith is a span of weeks, years, even decades. You have to be ready to relentlessly question, pray, and wrestle with the Lord Jesus.
Thomas asks, "Lord, we do not know where you are going" (vs. 5). The Lord Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. The Phillips translation is "I myself am the road.... The Phillips translation is closer to the original: "I myself am the road ... .the truth and the life. The Phillips translation is "I am the road...the truth and the life.
Philip also said, "Lord, show us the Father. Philip asks, "Lord, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied" (vs. 8). This implies the arrogance of using God. But the Lord Jesus says, "Philip, he who has seen us (the original is in the perfect tense: He who has seen Me has seen the Father) has seen the Father. ...Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me? (vs. 9, 10).
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, modern civilization has been striving for "comfort," "instant society," and "multitudes," but isn't this now being questioned? I want to follow the Lord Jesus, who tells us to fear the One who is truly feared, to avoid the crowd, keep distance with others and wear a face mask," and to "not make a noise in our hearts.